
Nantmel – or \”Nantmael\”


On Sunday 9 July members of the Field Section met at Nantmel car park opposite the the now deserted village school.  After a short introduction by Richard Davies the group drove to Llanfihangel Helygen Church, on the road to Llanyre.

There members were given an excellent, well researched talk by Norma Baird-Murray on the history of this charming isolated church with its large churchyard, box pews and double pulpit.


The group retraced its steps along the A44 to Dolau Baptist Church in Nantmel village. There Mrs Frances Pugh and her niece Angela Powell gave a warm welcome with another interesting talk on the history of the church and its incumbents. it is a relatively large chapel with an old cemetery in front, full of Victorian graves, many of which were ostentatious and tightly packed, very surprising in a modest rural area.  More modern graves were to be found to the side of the chapel where the ground rose so steeply that steps and a handrail were needed!

Afternoon tea was not far away.  Mercedes and her young staff provided ample supplies of tea cake at Honeybrook Cafe (Swn y Gwynt).  The group relaxed in the sunshine and pleasant surroundings of her garden Centre and shop.

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