Saturday 10th June 2023, 10.30 am
Hosted by the Abbey Cwmhir Heritage Trust https://abbeycwmhir.org/
Philips Hall, Abbeycwmhir, LD1 6PH
Cost: £15 to cover refreshments and buffet lunch
To book a place please send a cheque for £15 made out to CBA Wales to Kathy Laws, Afallon, Tanygrisiau, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Gwynedd LL41 3RH and please let Kathy know of any dietary requirements. Alternatively you can make an online payment, using your name as the reference to:
Lloyds Bank plc, Welshpool
CBA Wales
Sort code: 30-99-30
Account no: 00112067
Please also contact Kathy membership@cbawales.org to let her know that you have booked and of any dietary requirements.
Provisional program:
10.30 Arrival, refreshments
11.00 Introductions and CBA Wales/Cymru review
11.20 Mel Walters – Community and Heritage – The work of the Abbey Cwmhir Heritage Trust
11.50 David Austin – Abbey Cwmhir in the context of Strata Florida
12.45 Lunch – buffet lunch
13.30 Julian Ravest – Photogrammetry – technique and insights
14.00 Julian Lovell – Post dissolution estates and an introduction to the Abbey Tour
14.30 Julian Lovell – Tour of the Abbey and its environs 16.00 Refreshments and closing statement.
16.30 Close