
Event Reports

You can click on the Event Report summaries below to open a fuller account of the event.

15th-century manuscript illustration depicting Roger Mortimer and Queen Isabella in the foreground. Background: Hugh Despenser the Younger on the scaffold, being emasculated.

The Mortimers and Radnorshire

Philip Hume, Secretary of the Mortimer History Society, started by giving a general overview of the genealogy of powerful Mortimer family and the way in which their power derived from some changing political and family relationships, In particular, the family married into the royal family and actually ruled the country for a short period.  Both

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James Watt, Father and Son

The Radnorshire Society held their first lecture of the year on Friday April 13 at Doldowlod House, when the speaker was Julian Gibson-Watt, his lecture was entitled “James Watt, father and son, and the creation of the Doldowlod and Kinnerton Estates.” The President of the Society Robin Gibson-Watt, welcomed a large number of members and

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Military Flyers of Radnorshire

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