
Transactions 2012


The Transactions of the Radnorshire Society Vol 82: 2012


Charmley, Gerard, ‘Frank Edwards (1852-1927): ‘The debonair and popular member for Radnorshire’: Part One’, pp.29-42.
Berkeley, Michael, ‘From Flint to Shale’, pp.43-50.
Payne, Ifan, ‘Thomas Jones the Artist by Ffransis G Payne: Part Two’, pp.51-72.
Gill, Margaret A V, ‘A Note on the Bell in Holy Trinity Church, Betws Clyro’, pp.73-78.
Shannon, Richard: ‘The Virtues of Unheroic Government: The counterfactual case for Sir George Cornewall Lewis: Part Two’, pp.79-90.
Livingston, Michael, ‘Hatfield’s Mystery Source for the Battle of Bryn Glas’, pp.91-94.
Rees, Richard Rhys, ‘The London Dams that Never Came to Wales’, pp.95-110.
Breeze, Andrew, ‘Kilvert’s ‘Tree on which the Devil Hung his Mother”, pp.111-112.
Yewlett, Hilary, ‘Walter Meredith (c.1558-1607): Scrivener of Radnorshire and London’, pp.113-132.
Hughes, Colin P F, ‘The History of a Radnorshire Border Town’ (review), pp.133-136.
Hawkins, Dai, ‘A Dragon with Two Tongues’ (review), pp.137-140.



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