
Transactions 2011


The Transactions of the Radnorshire Society Vol 81: 2011


Best, Sue: ‘Y Glob Byw ‘ The Willow Globe: The Mid Wales Shakespeare Centre, Penlanole, Llanwrthwl’, pp.25-38.
Hughes, Colin P F: ‘Glascwm Council School: One of the most isolated in the county’, pp.39-51.
James, Duncan: ‘Whitehall, Presteigne: A lost ceiling recovered’, pp.53-60.
Loeffler, Marion: ‘The Arcadia of Britain: Iolo Morganwg and Radnorshire’, pp.61-76.
Owen, Morfydd E: ‘A Fifteenth Century Law-book from Cefnllys’, pp.77-93.
Parker, Keith: ‘The Radnorshire Gentry in the Nineteenth Century’, pp.95-106.
Payne, Ifan: ‘Thomas Jones the Artist by Ffransis G Payne: Part One’, pp.107-118.
Shannon, Richard: ‘The Virtues of Unheroic Government: The counterfactual case for Sir George Cornewall Lewis: Part One’, pp.119-135.
Shannon, Richard: ‘Politics in Nineteenth Century Radnorshire’, pp.137-140.



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