
Transactions 2006


The Transactions of the Radnorshire Society Vol 76: 2006


Williams, D H: ‘Letters from the front: ninety years on’, pp.32-65
Gill, MAV: ‘A survey of floor-tiles in the churches of Radnorshire’, pp.66-75
Gill, MAV: ‘Concerning some early Radnorshire bell-ringers’, pp.76-87
Breeze, A: ‘Two Arthurian sites in Historia Brittonum’, 88-97
Rees, J: ‘Seed-time of genius: Shelley in Radnorshire’, pp.98-110
Parker, K: ‘The Radnorshire cottagers controversy’, pp.111-128
Priestley, S & Shurety, N: ‘A report on the excavation at Scottleton Street, Presteigne’, pp.129-143
Lewis, S: ‘A resort of the common people in great troops’, 144-167



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