
Transactions 2004


The Transactions of the Radnorshire Society Vol 74: 2004


Haycock, M: ‘The Scholarship and Creativity of Ffransis G Payne’ pp. 24 – 49
Botting, J P & Muir, LA: ‘The Fossil History of the Builth Inlier: Insights from a Classic Area’ pp. 50 – 84
Gill, MAV: ‘Flowers in a Changing Landscape: A survey of Vascular Plants in the Dolyhir/Strinds Quarries Estate pp. 127-150
Jones, NW: ‘Prehistoric Funerary and Ritual Monuments in Radnorshire’ pp. 151-168
Parker, K: ‘Radnorshire and the New Poor Law to circa 1850’ pp. 169-198



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